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What is a Health Coach?

What is a Health Coach? Health coaching is a relatively new profession, but the idea behind it is really rooted in how we, as human beings, operate. As a Health Coach, I help you work with your unique body, and take into consideration how everything in your life affects your health and wellness. At the first glance, you may think what a Health Coach does is not much different from a conventional Nutritionist or Dietician, or a diet program. However, there are some subtle differences that make our approach superior in terms of creating positive changes that last – instead of delivering a Band-Aid solution.

As a health coach:

  • I work with the concept of bio-individuality. My approach is client-driven. Instead of getting a one-size-fits-all meal plan based on a cookie-cutter approach or one fad diet, I create customized plans for my clients based on their individual circumstances, lifestyle habits, health condition and other needs.

  • I approach nutrition as “whole foods”, instead of compartmentalizing them into individual nutrients such as calories, carbs, proteins, fats etc. Why? Because the synergistic relationship among these various components when they are ingested in the form of whole foods deliver much more benefits than when they are taken as individual nutrients.

  • With my health coaching program, I work with my clients over several months with sessions that last 50-60 minutes. I am able to be with them every step of the way so that we are able to look into lifestyle choices and work on changing habits, resulting in meaningful and positive behavioral changes that last for a long time, delivering long-term health benefits.

  • My coaching is goal-, action- and result-oriented. My approach focuses on implementation and integration, so that healthy changes are integrated into your life. We live in the age of information overload – you don’t need more information, you need to know which information to use and how to make them work for your life.

  • Instead of treating the symptoms, I work with my clients to get to the underlying causes of their health concerns. We look at how issues such as stress, emotional distress, physical activities, lack of “soul nourishment” etc. effect our overall well-being. I help my clients cultivate the awareness to improve all areas of their lives.

Sharon Henderson

In Her Essence Health Coach

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