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  • Sharon Henderson

Perfectly Imperfect Beach Hair

With summer upon us here in the northeast corner of the country, we welcome "beach & boating season" with open arms because we know how quickly she passes through. There is nothing quite like the feeling of the sun beaming out of a deep blue sky, warm breezes blowing, and a sultry sensation on your skin which indicates it's finally transforming from pale to a healthy, sun-kissed glow. This is my summertime bliss...that, and wind-blown beach hair! I love the way the salty air turns my straight, blonde tresses into a tousled & textured mane. Instant volume!! There is something incredibly nostalgic about it and I embrace the "messy do".

Whether you have baby fine hair (like me!), or luxurious and thick, this is a look that could be fun to capture throughout the year! With becoming increasingly aware of the toxins and chemicals used in many of the products on the market, I decided to research how I could make my own 'Beach Hair' spray.

Mission accomplished! I found a DIY recipe - thanks to Wellness Mama. Below is her creation for Beach Waves. The recipe is so simple and costs virtually nothing compared to store-bought products, not to mention the ingredients are all non-toxic, non-drying, organic and healthy for the hair and scalp.

Here's how I made mine:

1 cup of hot water

2 tablespoons epsom salts (or more for extra texture)

1/2 tsp sea salt (optional, adds stiffness)

1 teaspoon aloe vera gel

Few drops of jojoba oil

Few drops of your favorite essential oil (mine is Ylang Ylang) but you can use lavender, florals or citrus scents

* Optional: If you want to lighten your hair, add 1 teaspoon lemon juice and 1 teaspoon alcohol. The lemon juice highlights and the alcohol preserves.

Get a spray bottle that holds at least 10 ounces. You can use a glass bottle and a regular spray top. Put the hot water in the spray bottle and add the epsom salts, sea salt (optional), aloe vera, jojoba, essential oil, lemon juice/alcohol (if using). Put the cap on the bottle and shake for 1-2 minutes or until epsom salts and sea salt are dissolved. Will last 3-4 months or longer. Be sure to store in the fridge if using lemon juice, or at room temperature if you aren’t.

This girl is hooked! I've got my beach hair all year long now! Simply spray on damp hair and towel scrunch it or spray on dry hair and scrunch with your fingers. Either way, you can get creative with the level of "perfectly imperfect" desired.

Rock your beach hair ladies...and guys!!

Sharon Henderson

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